Ways To Decrease Overthinking

This one goes out to all my busy brained people... If you overthink often, it's time to take action. YOU have the ability to control your thoughts. It takes practice, but it is totally worth it. 

I used to let my overthinking rule my moods. My mom told me I was making my life miserable... Ouch, but true. It became obsessive. I realized that life is too short to worry all the time. I hit a point where I recognized that I deserve to be happy and not let my mind ruin how I felt. 

So, how do you decrease overthinking? 

Initially, it starts with being aware of when you are having obsessive thoughts. It's all about being mindful of what you're thinking about and noticing if a certain topic pops up multiple times. Try not to judge yourself- have grace. You are quite literally training your brain. 

When I'm overthinking, I recognize my thought patterns and assess if the thought is productive or helpful. If it isn't, I try my hardest to let it go. It's way easier said than done. With time and experience, it becomes more effective.  I'll try to distract myself with something else or be mindful of what I'm doing at the moment. I try to zone in on the activity that I'm doing. 

I put effort into having compassion with my mind. I remind myself that my brain is intelligent and is trying to think through things. I recognize how intricate my brain is, yet I also recognize how important peace of mind is. There comes a point where thinking too much truly impacts how you feel in a negative manner. It can even affect relationships if untamed. With that, it's a balance of how to navigate thought patterns. 

How do you stop letting your thoughts dictate your mood? Well, that mindfulness comes into play again. Engage in pleasant activities and get out of your head by thinking about how you can help other people. It takes the focus off of yourself and puts it on others. Gratitude lists always help me. I have a list of things that make me happy, and I look at it when I'm in my head. Confiding in trusted people helps as well! Get another perspective if wanted or needed. Or, journal out those feelings, baby! Putting it from pen to paper can relieve some of that mental chaos. 

I sure hope this has been helpful. These tips have been game changing for me, and I'm happy to say I'm taking my life back. I'm kissing the evil little voice in my head goodbye! It's my brain, and I get to choose which thoughts are welcomed. 

Thank you for reading! Remember how strong you are and that you have the power to overthink less. 

With love,
Lauryn Pyatt
