A Lesson From God: Spending Time With Myself

As an extrovert, I feel the need to be around people or else I'll feel lonely. If I sit by myself, I feel like a loser. If I don't have plans, I feel like a loner. It's a really strange feeling because I know those things are false. It's that evil little voice in my mind feeding me lies. To be honest, sometimes I believe it if I'm feeling insecure or sad.

I can guess that a good amount of people are able to relate, especially the social butterflies. The reality of it is that there will be times where people will be unavailable to hang out. There will be times that you will be by yourself whether you like it or not. 

I usually have busy weekends because I'm with my loved ones. This weekend was a little tough since those people weren't available to see me, so I had a lot more free time on my hands. What did I do? Well, I felt very sad at first. I may or may not have moped around for a bit. Then, I actually got productive. I explored strength training and deep cleaned my room. I did things I had always wanted to do but never got around to it until now. 

I'm trying to reframe the way I look at being by myself. Sure, I might be alone sometimes, but I am in no way lonely. I have friends who care for me. I have a boyfriend who loves me. I have a family that will always be there for me and would do anything for me. I have God who will never leave my side and loves me unconditionally. 

When feeling lonely, my inital instinct is to journal. Then, I check the facts of how I'm feeling. I also have grace with myself and try to be gentle when thinking things out. I know that no matter how lonely I feel, I know I'll never be alone even if I'm physcially by myself. 

God is with me wherever I go, and He loves me more than I could ever imagine. I'm trying to fill the void of lonliness with God's presence. I know He will offer me comfort and peace of mind. This season of being by myself isn't a bad thing, it's a learning lesson. 

Overall, it's completely okay to spend time with yourself. Challenge that evil voice inside your head. Spending time by yourself is essential. Being with people all the time is unrealistic and proably unhealthy. Learning to be content with being by yourself is a great lesson to learn. Remember that you're never truly lonely because God is always with you.  

With love,

Lauryn Pyatt


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