My Self Love Journey

I am beyond excited to even be able to say that I'm learning to love myself. Wow, that's an accomplishment in itself! This journey hasn't been easy, but it is one worth pursuing. I'm still a work in progress. 

I hit rock bottom with my self esteem back in high school. Hating myself wasn't a good look. It took a toll on so many things like my sense of worth. I had no confidence. It just wasn't a way to live. 

Therapy sure helped a lot. I learned coping skills and healthy ways to talk to myself. As I entered college, my self esteem slowly lowered. Why? I think I got out of practice with my DBT skills. The skills weren't being used, so they faded. They stopped being automatic. I had to purposely think about using them. 

Self comparison has plagued my mind for a long time. As an overthinker, my brain is always busy and anaylzing. I wasn't mindful of when I would compare myself to others. Now that I am aware of when I have those thoughts, I can stop them and challenge them. 

Something that has been huge for me is affirmations. It really comes in handy whenever I'm talking to myself in a negative light. "Lauryn, you don't look bad. You're a baddie" is an example of how I correct a mean thought. The "baddie" part is a bit cringe, but hey, it works! Positive self talk for life, ladies and gents! 

The most beautiful part of my self love journey is whenever the little voice in my head says something positive. I'm learning to stop being my biggest critic and to become the woman I've always aspired to be. The automatic degrading thoughts are turning into positive ones. I look in the mirror and my brain tells me I look good. I love when my brain hypes me up. Like yes girl, tell me I'm pretty! 

It isn't always like that, but I'm getting better with my thought patterns. I'm being intentional with how I talk to myself. It's truly been life changing.

This process has been full of learning. How you treat yourself impacts how people treat you. 

Becoming more confident is an amazing feeling. I'm kissing insecurities goodbye! If you're reading this, you should do the same thing. It all starts with being aware of when you're talking to yourself badly. The next step is to challenge the thought and replace it with a positive one. It will take time, but it does turn into a habit. 

Thank you for reading. I hope you have a blessed day. 

With love,
Lauryn Pyatt
