What Not To Do In College

Ah, college. What a time. As a sophomore, I've had my fair share of learning experiences. Some lessons were a little embarassing, but overall humbling. Regardless of how great of a student you are, you're bound to make mistakes. Although learning is a part of life, I'm more than willing to share what not to do in college to save you some trouble. 

1) Do not let assignments pile up

Waiting until the last minute to get things done isn't the best idea. The stress is real. Allow yourself time to thoughtfully complete assignments. If you're good under pressure, congratulations I guess. It's better to schedule in time for your classwork prior to the deadline. Rushing when there's limited time to get an assignment turned is too much of a hassle. You'll thank yourself later if you work on time management and procrastination. 

2) Do not get on your phone during class

Coming from someone who is addicted to their phone, this one is huge. I can't lie, I used to go on my phone sometimes during a lecture. I learned my lesson when one of my favorite professors sent out an email to the class about putting phones away because it shows a lack of respect. I wasn't the only one, yet I felt so guilty and awful. I would never want to make anyone feel like I didn't care or didn't respect them.  Since then, my phone is in my backpack and is on do not disturb. Moral of the story is to give your professors your full attention and don't let distractions get in the way. 

3) Do not eat on campus everyday if you commute

I never realized how expensive food can be when it all adds up. If you can bring food from home, you'll be saving a whole lot of money. You'll have more options because campus food is definitely limited. A decent portion of my paycheck is going to those delicious turkey wraps. Also, food on campus generally isn't healthy overall. Sure, they might have a small selection, but the food is mainly unhealthy. Not to say eating on campus every once in a while is bad, just be mindful of your money and what you decide to eat. 

4) Do not ignore gut feelings about your major, choice of college, etc.

If you feel convicted over and over again, do not ignore it. Pushing those feelings down won't do you any good. If you feel like your college isn't for you, then research other colleges or pathways of life. If you're not enjoying your major, explore other options. Take action instead of pushing certain thoughts aside, especially if they are repetitive. 

College can be chaotic, but it will get better with time. Have faith, and trust the process. Everything will work out. Enjoy these days while you can; you won't be in this time of your life forever. Make the most out of every moment. And above all, don't forget to bring a water bottle. Well, maybe that's not the most important piece of advice, but just make sure to learn from your mistakes. Thank you for reading. 

With love,
Lauryn Pyatt


  1. This is so great? Maybe you should title this "What not to do in life?" So true for college and everything!


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